Note: If you're running Windows 2000 and have the NetBEUI protocol installed, and you have unplugged your network cable, when you start the manager, you'll see an error message, "Error starting network subsystem, cannot start manager." If this happens, reconnect the network cable and try again. To reopen the window when minimized, click its icon in the taskbar tray. You can leave this window open to see messages relating to what the Manager and Servers are doing as they appear, or you can minimize it, whereupon it resides in the taskbar tray. The machine is now running the Manager in Desktop mode. Thereafter, when you start the Manager, its window appears and the "Starting Network Manager" message is displayed in the window. In most cases, you can accept the default settings and click OK to continue. The first time you run the Manager after installation or after deleting the backburner.xml file, the Manager Properties dialog appears. Run the Manager program from the Start menu Programs Autodesk Backburner folder.(See Autodesk Backburner Installation Guide at for information on setting up the Backburner Manager and Server.) This procedure explains how to render a job over the network, once the Backburner Manager and Server are running. These procedures explain how to start and submit a network rendering job in 3ds Max. From the Render Setup dialog Target drop-down list, choose Submit To Network Rendering.In 3ds Max, you can render from the Render Setup dialog, or the Render To Texture dialog. On the render dialog, set all desired rendering parameters, such as resolution and the output file type.There are two stages to starting network rendering: When you've set up the Manager and Server network services, you're ready to submit an animation to the network rendering queue. Either program remains in operation until you shut it down or shut down the machine.

The Manager and Server programs need to be started and left running during a network rendering session.

Start a rendering job from 3ds Max on a networked machine with an authorized copy of 3ds Max.The machine being used as a manager can also be used as a rendering server. See Basic Procedures for Network Rendering. Start the Manager program on one machine and the Server program on every other machine in the network.Once you've set up the network rendering system and software, there are two steps to starting a network rendering session: