Exactly what kind of content is missing hasn't been specified so it's hard to make any guess on how long the release will be delayed. "Compared to other platforms we’re on these platforms require a number of pre-requisites, from Microsoft certification to legal documentation review," they say.Ībove and beyond the wait for proper certification, the developers say that they are "currently unable to make the same content available on Microsoft’s platform that is available to players on other platforms," and won't release on the Microsoft Store until that can be rectified. Still, it does sound as if Snapshot have pulled the equivalent of showing up to an exam without ever reading the course syllabus. Coordinating different requirements and certifications isn't a process that I envy. Launching a game is a feat, especially on multiple of today's many platforms. The blog post says "being inexperienced with Game Pass and the Microsoft Store, we simply had not properly prepared the groundwork to get the game released on time on these platforms." In a blog post yesterday, Snapshot Games came clean about why Phoenix Point is missing from Xbox Game Pass.

You can still grab your first 3 months of the service for £1/$1 so it's easy to imagine plenty of players would be anticipating checking out a new release like Phoenix Point by that route and might be disappointed by its absence. Microsoft's subscription game service nets you access to a handy chunk of games both current and classic. Snapshot Games say they "dropped the ball." You can find it on the Epic Store as planned but Xbox Game Pass subscribers are still waiting despite plans for the game to launch on both simultaneously. The XCOM and X-Com like Phoenix Point is out now and players seem to be having a good time tactically defending the world from monsters.