So, at the end of the day Painter and PS are different programs.

no subs.I have used them all extensively.professionally. but Photoshop is still a great tool and a lot of the industry uses it.but there is a program Affinity which is just as good as Photoshop and the license cost around 50$. I also bought Maya back in the day, 2009 I think until the last version you could buy 2016.Which made me move to Modo. and I would of NOT owned it.when I bought Modo Full, I was able to use that 180$ towards the Full version. I owned Modo indie paid 180$ and used it for 4 years, it would of costed me much more if I subbed. SO I get his point on the sub thing.No way.its cheaper in the n to NOT sub and you OWN it. I own C2, 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 CS6 works perfectly fine, but I stopped as subs are not an investment, and we cant have monthly payments each month for 20 different programs. Unless a company I do work for, provides it.other wise for my freelance work, I use my indie versions. More information about Substance accounts is available here.I been in this industry nearly 3 decades, we still use Photoshop and many use Substance Painter.with Photoshop we also use NDO.3DO PLUG in.

Instead, you can start a 30 day trial for each Substance 3D application here or with Creative Cloud Desktop.